Shasta Rock Club
Beta Climbing League (Spring 2022)
An indoor Social Bouldering League
Registration | Orientation | Baseline | Training | Competition Nights
I. At the time of registration each team must have 4 team members, a team captain, and a team name. Only 8 teams will be able to sign up per season.
***The team captain will have the responsibility of making sure their team is abiding by all rules during the competition (i.e. making sure score cards are signed, collecting score cards and turning them into the staff at the end of competition nights, and motivating their team to show up to all competition nights). Other responsibilities could include creating weekly team practice times.
II. Individuals may register for the Adult Climbing League; however, any individual who signs up with a team does not have a choice on what team they are assigned to. SRC staff will either assign to a team without enough team members or they will be put on a team of individuals signed up. SRC Staff will work to ensure that individual sign ups are assigned teams equally and fairly to the best of their ability. ***With any individual sign up comes the possibility of not being placed on a team if there are not enough slots. In this case, the individual's registration fee will be refunded fully.
III. Team members must be enrolled in the 4-month $15/mo Climbing League and have a valid day pass, punch pass or active membership to be able to participate in the Climbing League.
IV. Each member pays $30 to register, which includes the League T-Shirt, admission into the party and a chance to win prizes at the end of the season party.
V. At registration, each member will provide a Baseline to Shasta Rock Club on his or her team roster to be used throughout the season. (see Baseline)
VI. All team members should be aware that the season lasts for a duration of 4 months (8 competition nights and 1 party/tie-breaker night).
I. At the beginning of the season, there will be a short orientation session to go over the rules and answer any questions. This will be a time for teams to meet each other and interact.
II. Team T-Shirts are ordered at the beginning of the season with each team getting their own color and corresponding sizes.
I. At the beginning of the season, each climber will participate in Orientation Night to establish their Baseline (to be used for scoring) climbers will be given 2 attempts for each designated problem VB through V8. Climbers will be given their baseline based on the hardest problem they complete on Orientation Night. It should be extremely difficult for a climber to climb 2 grades above their Baseline. This will be the standing Baseline going forward throughout the season.
II. It is advisable to test your baseline before coming to Orientation Night so that you are aware of what your abilities are so that you do not exaggerate or underestimate your baseline.
***It is both in your best interest and in the best interest of the league that you are as honest as possible about your Baseline (see Baseline III. and IV.).
III. Shasta Rock Club reserves the right to change any participating climber’s Baseline if we deem it necessary (i.e. if a climber sandbags their Baseline at V2 but can actually climb V5 within a week).
IV. If a Baseline is changed for a climber, any previous week's scores will no longer be counted for that climber.
***A climber’s Baseline will only be changed if SRC sufficiently believes that the climber’s points are a result of sandbagging original Baseline vs. improvement throughout the season
I. There are no limitations on the amount of training that can take place during the week Team members are encouraged to train together so as to be comfortable working together on competition days.
II. No climbs during normal days/weeks during the week will be counted for league points; however, projecting during the week can be very beneficial on competition days.
III. New climbers should take note that training during the week will spur improvement over the season; however, over-training every day may encourage injury and decrease performance.
Competition Nights
I. Every other Monday will be a league competition night.
***Shasta Rock Club is willing to change this day if there are enough teams interested in competing on a different day.
II. Competition time will last for 2 hours from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. during which you can climb as many walls as you would like to in order to earn as many points as possible.
III. A team must have at least 3 of their team members competing on competition night to count their points.
IV. A team member can attempt a problem as many times as they want to during the allotted time limit.
V. A climber can only climb each problem once per night for scoring purposes. If a climber completes a problem, the score is counted and it cannot be used again for points that night.
VI. Basic bouldering rules apply during competition nights:
Climbers must start with both hands on the marked starting hold(s).
Climbers may use any feet that he or she desires as long as the climber is off the ground when starting.
The climber must be completely off the ground when starting a problem.
The climber cannot touch the mat or use another color hold while climbing their problem or the climb does not count.
The climber must reach the top of the problem and hold it for at least 2 seconds to ensure that they have completed it.
Topping out is not necessary.
VII. If a climber falls, he/she must give up the wall to another climber if they are waiting for the wall. If no one else is waiting for that wall, the climber may attempt the climb again.
VIII. A problem can be repeated each league night for points.
IX. At the end of a climbing competition night, the team captain will collect all four cards from their team to submit to a Shasta Rock Club staff member. The team captain should be making sure, throughout the competition, that each of their team members is getting their cards signed to ensure that they completed the problems. No points will be applied to a climb that has not been signed by a proper party.
X. Updates for scores will be posted to Shasta Rock Club Social media and tracked on bulletin boards.